Good morning! I'm in front of the computer while you all are having lessons! (I'm sure you all rather have lessons though, its B-O-R-I-N-G here)
I'm feeling much better now, but I seem to be allergic to tamiflu?! Half an hour after I had my first tablet yesterday, I started to feel SERIOUSLY nauseous and that feeling only went away 4 hours later. Before I slept, my heartbeat was much faster than usual then I discovered my tongue turned white (if you get what I mean) and every freaking thing tasted SALTY (wth). So my stomach hurt abit but I don't know if its cause I'm hungry or its the nausea. -.-
Then i woke up this morning feeling a whole lot BETTER (:D), until I discovered my left arm's muscles hurt like shit. The cause for that is unknown but its okay, I'll blame everything on tamiflu HAHAH.
(btw do you know those 10 tablets cost around 50 bucks?!)
Anyway, I read that piece of paper (whatever you call that) in that box and here's a quote "In a total of 1887 patients... ...the most frequently reported adverse events were nausea and vomiting. These events were transient and generally occurred with first dosing. ..... Three patients withdrew because of nausea and the same number withdrew because of vomiting."
Explains. -__-
Apparently studies have shown that teenagers suffer more from those side effects, and after yesterday's scary experience I'm not gonna take it again. Nope D:
Besides those, all's still well I think. Fever's gone (at least for the past 8 hours), no sore throats (although I sound like a freaking FROG. Don't try to call me!!!). Still have a white tongue and screwed up taste buds plus irritating muscles that feel cramped, but I'm up here typing away on the computer 8D Wait, my chest area still hurts, I'm coughing & I feel cold brrrr. THIS IS SO CONTRADICTING, LOL.
One more thing, I'm really thankful to have my mom and brother by my side cause they make me feel so loved (L)
Even though my brother goes "NO DON'T ENTER MY ROOM, YOU SHOULD BE QUARANTINED, GO BACK TO YOUR OWN ROOM!!!" everytime I try to kpo around, he acually took a cab home late at night and bought isotonic drinks for me (he couldn't find glucose powder) when he heard about my accelerated heartbeat. Awwww.
My mom sacrificed alot of her time just to be by my side like, 24/7. Like really. She's always checking on me (even at night), cooks all sorts of stuff (like icky luo han guo and chuan bei xue li tang and porridge for every single meal), and just show alot of concern. She went down just to get strepsils for me, and she just left the house to buy some parsley and fish to cook some kind of soup. 妈妈真伟大!There's so much more I want to say, but I don't know how to put it across clearly.
It was damn funny when I went home in the morning on wednesday, I didn't call to tell her, thinking she'll find out once she reaches home. When i woke up at 11 and appeared in front of my brother's room where they both were talking, they had the shock of their lives HAHAH. She obviously didn't check my room cause she didn't think I'd be there.
But when I'm home, she'll keep checking on me, so that shows how much she cares doesn't it? :3
and thanks everybody for your concern too, I really appreciate it. :)
Lets do some tag replies then.
ken: LOOLLLL EMMSSSSS hahha so much time play!!
{CAUSE... okay I've got no excuses I'm too much of a lazy ass! D:}
Chris: we arent allowed to go sch if got mc...
{well, I didn't go in the end..}
Ray other: get well soon!
{thankyou :D}
ken: 39.8 ?!?!?!?!?!? thats CRAZYYY
{it surprisingly doesn't feel that bad when you're the one with that gay temperature, all you feel is the burning sensation LOL. Too dizzy to know anything @.@}
yihao: dude 39.8 degrees are you sure you are still alive? go sleep man.
{yes unfortunately. Slept too much until my neck and shoulders hurt like shit already D:}
anna: oh goodness what happened to you! that is a very very high fever yknow. take care!

{Actually I also don't know what happened!! Just suddenly got sick like that O: Thanks! (for the email too hehe :D}
Ya-ya-yah - Sekai ga hitotsu ni naru made
This song makes me smile whenever I listen to it, and the video makes it even better! DON'T YOU AGREE THOSE CUTE LITTLE BOYS ARE SO SO SO FREAKING ADORABLE???
The first boy looks alot like my brother when he was young (yes he was a pretty kid), and the second boy (called Akama) who sang (STARTING 1:20) has a beautiful voice :D
I love these cute and simple songs haha :D
Actually, I shouldn't be typing away. Time to catch up with my work!
Shall start with geog and art.
Maybe after a nap, I'm still very very tired :/ Must be the cough syrup.
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